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Britsh army badge British army solider British army uniform Since 1923

Book of Honour

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  • Foreword
  • Patron
  • President
  • Governors
  • Honorary Life Vice President / Fellows of the Association
  • Vice Presidents
  • Honorary Vice Presidents / Fellows of the Club
  • Association Chair
  • Association Vice Chair
  • Honorary Secretary / Honorary General Sectretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Club Captain
  • Vice Captain
  • Sports Members


The Civil Service Motoring Association (CSMA) was formed in 1923. When it started life it was run by a small band of enthusiastic Members based in Whitehall who had one objective in mind:

“The promotion of motoring in the Civil Service by means of social and sporting events and the assistance of members in such ways as may be found practical.”

In those early days we employed a part time clerk to deal with our day to day administration. Since then the Association has grown to become one of the largest private membership organisations in the UK which currently (2023) employs over 200 staff to look after the circa 165,000 Members’ needs. We even changed our trading name to Boundless in 2016 to reflect the changing nature of the organisation.

However, throughout this time Association has still been run by its members for its members and, of course, over the years many “Names” have come and gone – but they are not forgotten.

This book is dedicated to those unsung heroes who have helped shape our Association over its first 100 years.



TABLE president

TABLE governors

TABLE Honorary life vice president fellow of the association

TABLE vice presidents

TABLE honorary vice presidents fellow of the club

TABLE Association Chairman

TABLE Association Vice Chairman

TABLE Association Vice Chairman

TABLE Honorary Treasurer

TABLE captain

TABLE Vice Captain

TABLE sports members