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Book of Honour
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- Foreword
- Patron
- President
- Governors
- Honorary Life Vice President / Fellows of the Association
- Vice Presidents
- Honorary Vice Presidents / Fellows of the Club
- Association Chair
- Association Vice Chair
- Honorary Secretary / Honorary General Sectretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Club Captain
- Vice Captain
- Sports Members
The Civil Service Motoring Association (CSMA) was formed in 1923. When it started life it was run by a small band of enthusiastic Members based in Whitehall who had one objective in mind:
“The promotion of motoring in the Civil Service by means of social and sporting events and the assistance of members in such ways as may be found practical.”
In those early days we employed a part time clerk to deal with our day to day administration. Since then the Association has grown to become one of the largest private membership organisations in the UK which currently (2023) employs over 200 staff to look after the circa 165,000 Members’ needs. We even changed our trading name to Boundless in 2016 to reflect the changing nature of the organisation.
However, throughout this time Association has still been run by its members for its members and, of course, over the years many “Names” have come and gone – but they are not forgotten.
This book is dedicated to those unsung heroes who have helped shape our Association over its first 100 years.
This post was introduced at the September 1971 AGM
In February 1972 His Royal Highness, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick) kindly accepted an invitation to become Patron of the CSMA. He continues to be our Patron today.
Born 9 October 1935, he is a member of the British Royal Family, a grandchild of George V. He has held the title of Duke of Kent since 1942.
The Duke of Kent carries out royal duties on behalf of his first cousin, Queen Elizabeth II. He is perhaps best known as President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, presenting the trophies to the Wimbledon champion and runner-up. He also served as the United Kingdom’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, retiring in 2001. He is also the President of the Scout Association, President of the Royal United Services Institute, the President of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the Grand Master of the Freemasons in England & Wales (since 1967).
His Royal Highness has officiated at a number of auspicious CSMA occasions including attending the 60th Anniversary Dinner held at the House of Commons in 1983 as well as the opening ceremony on the Association’s Headquarters Britannia House; firstly at Queens Road, Brighton 1980 then again when we moved to Station Street, Brighton in 1995.

HRH Prince Edward Duke of Kent
This post was introduced at the first General Meeting of the Association which was held on 27 February 1923 when J R Brooke CB was appointed. The President has always been seen as the Senior Member most able to represent the Association at the highest levels. His or her ability to both understand and convey to others the general principles and the ethos which the association holds clearly has always been a determining factor in the selection procedure when researching for a new President.

Colin Frizzell
Sir John R Brooke CB | 1923 - 1927 |
Sir H H Piggott | 1928 - 1934 |
Sir Noel Curtis-Bennett | 1935 - 1950 |
Sir Frank Tribe | 1923 - 1927 |
Sir Harold Scott | 1959 - 1965 |
Sir Willian Glanville | 1966 - 1977 |
Mr Donald Grant, 5th Baron Strathspey of Strathspey | 1978 - 1991 |
Sir Alexander (Mike) Graham | 1992 - 2006 |
Mr Colin F Frizzell | 2008 - 2014 |
The role was introduced in 2006 to be the guardians of the Association’s ethos, to monitor the activities and management of the Association and the Club Council and to assess whether the Association operates in a manner that is consistent with its Memorandum and Articles of Association and thecollective interests of its Members.
The Chair of the Association can, on the recommendation of the Club Council and with the approval of the Board appoint a Member of the Association to be a Governor and determine the term of office for the position. Ordinarily a Governor hold office for a term of five years, but may be invited by the Chair of the Association to remain for a further term of five years. The maximum number of Governors shall be 11, including the President who acts as Chair of the Governors.
Mr Donald Heseltine | 2006 - 2016 |
Mr David Marsh | 2006 - 2009 |
Mr Peter Skinner | 2006 - 2016 |
Mr Colin Francis OBE | 2007 - 2014 |
Mr Howard Paine | 2007 - 2013 |
Mr Colin Frizzell (President) | 2008 - 2014 |
Mr Graham Rood | 2013 - |
Mr Bev Cooper | 2014 - |
Mr Geoff Lockwood | 2015 - |
Mr Peter Denny | 2015 - 2024 |
Mr Brian Comber | 2016 - |
Mr Keith Davies | 2016 - 2020 |
Mr Dave Farris | 2021 - |
Mr John Herington | 2021 - |
Honorary Life Vice President / fellows of the Association
The role was first introduced at the General Meeting held on 27 February 1923. During the intervening years some Vice Presidents have been called Life Vice Presidents.
Although the inclusion of ‘Life’ in the title had been dropped all Vice Presidents are automatically awarded Life Membership.
The posts were normally filled by retiring Officers of the Association who still had the ability and expertise to continue working at a High Level. Occasionally other senior members of the Association were appointed to this role.
There were traditionally up to 7 Vice Presidents but currently there is no limit to their numbers.
Mr C R Bourne | 1950 - 1960 |
Mr F D (Freddy) Forster | 1950 - 1962 |
Mr L C Labram | 1951 - 1976 |
Mr T Lindsay | 1951 - 1969 |
Mr C P Minett | 1951 - 1982 |
Mr H Roberts | 1951 - 1959 |
Mr H A Pass | 1960 - 1975 |
Dr Reg G Atkinson CBE | 1964 - 1988 |
Mr W J Davis | 1964 - 1970 |
Mr W H Jago | 1964 - 1969 |
Mr G B Read | 1964 - 1976 |
Mr R H Buckland | 1966 - 1975 |
Sir H Scott | 1966 - 1970 |
Mr E J Pike | 1968 - 1980 |
Mr R F Ferris | 1970 - 1987 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1974 - 1978 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 1978 - 2002 |
Dr J A C McCelland | 1979 - 1990 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1980 - 1990 |
Mr Derek J Garrard | 1984 - 1985 |
Mr Walter T Horne | 1988 - 1997 |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | 1992 - 1996 |
Miss Barabara E Sabey ISO | 1992 - 2014 |
Dr Graham N Peggs | 1993 - |
Mr D J H (John) Day | 1994 - 2011 |
Mr Charles T Skinner | 1994 - 1996 |
Mr W H (Bill) Spackman | 1998 - 2004 |
Mr Rex H Collier | 1998 - 2004 |
Mr Geoff K France | 2012 - 2020 |
Mr Bev Cooper | 2024 - |
Dr Graham Rood | 2024 - |
Vice Presidents
The role was first introduced at the General Meeting held on 27 February 1923. During the intervening years some Vice Presidents have been called Life Vice Presidents.
Although the inclusion of ‘Life’ in the title has now been dropped all Vice Presidents are automatically awarded Life Membership.
The posts were normally filled by retiring Officers of the Association who still had the ability and expertise to continue working at a High Level. Occasionally other senior members of the Association were appointed to this role.
There were traditionally up to 7 Vice Presidents but currently there is no limit to their numbers.
* Mr Geoff B Eteson - Vice Presidency suspended between 2005 and 2012 while serving a second term as both Chairman (2005 - 2011) and Vice Chairman (2011 - 2012).
Mr G E Foot | 1923 - 1924 |
Mr W T Legge | 1923 - 1924 |
Mr F A Hainsworth | 1925 - 1927 |
Mr F D (Freddy) Forster | 1931 - 1938 |
Mr T Lindsay | 1933 - 1949 |
Sir H H Piggott | 1935 - 1946 |
Mr W H Jago | 1936 - 1962 |
Mr L C Labram | 1938 - 1950 |
Mr H Roberts | 1940 - 1950 |
Mr F D Forster | 1948 - 1950 |
Mr C P Minett | 1948 - 1950 |
Mr G B Read | 1948 - 1962 |
Mr T Norman Blockley | 1949 - 1954 |
Mr C R Bourne | 1950 - 1950 |
Mr T H Pritchard | 1950 - 1951 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1952 - 1974 |
Mr R J Buckland | 1954 - 1965 |
Dr Reg G Atkinson CBE | 1956 - 1963 |
Mr W J Davis | 1958 - 1962 |
M W J (Bill) Fuge | 1961 - 1961 |
Mr R F Ferris | 1962 - 1970 |
Mr G S Samson | 1964 - 1977 |
Dr J A C McCelland | 1966 - 1979 |
Mr E J Pike | 1966 - 1968 |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | 1968 - 1992 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 1970 - 1977 |
Mr Walter T Horne | 1971 - 1987 |
Miss Barabara E Sabey ISO | 1975 - 1976 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1976 - 1989 |
Mr W H (Bill) Spackman | 1978 - 1993 |
Mr Mr Derek J Garrard | 1980 - 1982 |
Mr R P (Phil) Briercliffe | 1981 - 1982 |
Mr F W Davies | 1983 - 1987 |
Mr Geoff K France | 1985 - 2012 |
Mr Derrick A Hall ISO | 1983 - 2005 |
Mr Charles T Skinner | 1985 - 1994 |
Mr V C J Marchant | 1986 - 1987 |
Mr Deryck H Smith | 1987 - 1994 |
Dr Graham N Peggs | 1990 - 1994 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson * | 1992 - |
Mr Rex H Collier | 1993 - 1998 |
Mr Donald Edmondson | 1994 - 2003 |
Mr L P (Peter) Jones | 1996 - 2019 |
Mr Tony R Richardson | 1997 - 2019 |
Mr John F Herington | 1992 - |
Mr A R (Tony) Davies | 2007 - 2022 |
Mr Peter E Denny | 2007 - 2024 |
Mr David Sampson | 2010 - 2023 |
Mr Dave Farris | 2019 - |
Mr Martin Hunter | 2019 - |
Mrs Heather Glanville | 2024 - |
Honorary Vice Presidents / Fellows of the Club
The title Honorary Vice President was introduced in 1994 to provide a means to recognise long and valuable service to the Club when Senior Council Members retired from an active role in the Council.
The title was changed to ‘Fellow of the Club’ to avoid confusion with the title Vice President.
All HVPs and Fellows of the Club were / are awarded Life Membership.
Mr J D Clark | 1994 - 2008 |
Mr Cyril W Dart | 1994 - 2004 |
Mr Peter D Donovan | 1994 - 2010 |
Mr Reg J Godden | 1999 - 2003 |
Mr John Price | 1999 - |
Mr Norman Higginson | 2002 - |
Mr R D (Dick) Brundle | 2003 - 2007 |
Mr Laurie A Turner | 2003 - 2008 |
Association Chair
When the first Chairman was elected in 1923 the post was simply titled Chairman.
Following the death of the first Chairman in April 1924, a number of temporary extra posts were created to relieve some pressure on the Officers.
These temporary posts, Captain, Vice-Captain, Social Secretary and Trial Secretary were all formally ratified at the December 1924 AGM. The Chairman’s post then became recognised as Chairman of the Committee.
The nomenclature continued until 31 October 1930 when the Association became a Limited Company. The post then became known as Chairman of the Civil Service Motoring Association Ltd.
The post automatically became Chairman of the CSMA Board of Directors when that board was introduced in 1980.
Until the 2011 AGM, the post was elected on an annual basis by the members at the AGM. Commencing with the 2012 AGM the post will be elected by postal Ballot with the period of tenure being three years.

Gerard O’Sullivan
Mr Frank Vernon Edwards | 1923 - 1924 |
Mr George E Foot | 1924 - 1925 |
Mr Victor T Brennan | 1925 - 1925 |
Mr George H Clark | 1926 - 1926 |
Mr F D (Freddy) Forster | 1927 - 1930 |
Mr T Lindsay | 1931 - 1932 |
Mr W H (Bill) Jago | 1933 - 1935 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1936 - 1937 |
Mr H Roberts | 1938 - 1939 |
Mr G B Read | 1940 - 1947 |
Mr T Barnett | 1948 - 1949 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1949 - 1951 |
Mr R J Buckland | 1952 - 1953 |
Dr Reg G Atkinson CBE | 1954 - 1955 |
Mr W J Davis | 1956 - 1957 |
Mr Harold A Pass | 1958 - 1959 |
Mr Ron F Ferris | 1960 - 1961 |
Mr G S Samson | 1962 - 1963 |
Dr John A C (Jack) McCelland | 1964 - 1965 |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | 1966 - 1968 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 1968 - 1970 |
Miss Barabara E Sabey ISO | 1970 - 1974 |
Dr J A C McCelland | 1966 - 1979 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1975 - 1976 |
Mr R P (Phil) Briercliffe | 1976 - 1981 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 1970 - 1977 |
Mr Derrick A Hall ISO | 1981 - 1983 |
Mr Geoff K France | 1983 - 1985 |
Mr Ernst Golding | 1985 - 1987 |
Dr Graham N Peggs | 1987 - 1989 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson | 1989 - 1992 |
Mr L P (Peter) Jones | 1992 - 1996 |
Mr John F Herington | 1996 - 2003 |
Mr A R (Tony) Davies | 2003 - 2006 |
Mr Peter E Denny | 2006 - 2006 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson | 2006 - 2011 |
Mr Dave Farris | 2011 - 2015 |
Mr Martin Hunter | 2015 - 2019 |
Mrs Heather Glanville | 2019 - 2023 |
Mr Gerard O'Sullivan | 2023 - |
Association Vice Chair
This post was introduced in 1926 to relieve some of the pressure on the Chairman and to be a training ground for subsequent Chairman.
The post took over the role of Chairman of the General Purpose Committee / General Council and remained it’s Chairman until October 2006 when the Club side of the Association was restructured and the General Council became known as the Club Council.
The Vice Chairman of the Association post has been an automatic member of the CSMA Board since the Board was introduced in 1980.
Until the 2011 AGM, the post was elected on an annual basis by the members at the AGM. Commencing with the 2012 AGM the post will be elected by postal ballot with the period of tenure being three years.

Madeleine Grubb
Mr G H Clark | 1927 - 1928 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1929 - 1929 |
Mr T Lindsay | 1930 - 1930 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1931 - 1931 |
Mr W H (Bill) Jago | 1932 - 1932 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1933 - 1935 |
Mr H Roberts | 1936 - 1937 |
Mr G B Read | 1938 - 1939 |
Mr T Barnett | 1940 - 1947 |
Mr T Norman Blockley | 1948 - 1948 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1949 - 1949 |
Dr Reg G Atkinson CBE | 1950 - 1953 |
Mr W J Davis | 1954 - 1955 |
Mr Harold A Pass | 1956 - 1957 |
Mr Ron F Ferris | 1958 - 1959 |
Mr G S Samson | 1960 - 1961 |
Dr John A C (Jack) McCelland | 1962 - 1963 |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | 1962 - 1963 |
Dr John A C (Jack) McCelland | 1964 - 1965 |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | 1964 - 1965 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 1966 - 1968 |
Miss Barabara E Sabey ISO | 1968 - 1970 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1966 - 1979 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1970 - 1974 |
Mr R P (Phil) Briercliffe | 1974 - 1976 |
Mr Chris D McDonald | 1976 - 1978 |
Mr W R (Dick) Beagle | 1978 - 1980 |
Mr Derrick A Hall ISO | 1980 - 1981 |
Mr Geoff K France | 1981 - 1983 |
Mr Ernst Golding | 1983 - 1985 |
Dr Graham N Peggs | 1985 - 1987 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson | 1987 - 1989 |
Mr L P (Peter) Jones | 1989 - 1992 |
Mr John F Herington | 1992 - 1996 |
Mr A R (Tony) Davies | 1996 - 2003 |
Mr Peter E Denny | 2003 - 2006 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson | 2006 - 2006 |
Mr Dave Farris | 2006 - 2011 |
Mr Geoff B Eteson | 2011 - 2012 |
Mr Martin Hunter | 2012 - 2015 |
Mr Alan Thurbon | 2015 - 2022 |
Mr Gerard O’Sullivan | 2022 - 2023 |
Ms Madeleine Grubb | 2023 - |
Honorary Secretary / Honorary General Secretary
The Honorary Secretary post was introduced in 1923. Following the appointment and election of the Captain, Vice-Captain, Social Secretary and Trials Secretary at the December 1924 AGM, the post was re-titled, Honorary General Secretary.
The Social Secretary and Trials Secretary Posts were ceased at the 1939 AGM and the title of this post and reverted to Honorary Secretary. The post remained in existence until 2006 when it was ceased.
Mr Charles P Minett | 1923 - 1924 |
Mr E J (Jimmy) Pike | 1925 - 1929 |
Mr W G Darnell | 1929 - 1944 |
Mr Charles P Minett | 1945 - 1947 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1948 - 1948 |
Dr Reg G Atkinson CBE | 1949 - 1949 |
Mr E J (Jimmy) Pike | 1950 - 1965 |
Mr Jack L Wennell | 1966 - 1968 |
Mr Eric J Haslam | 1968 - 1970 |
Mr W H (Bill) Spackman | 1970 - 1978 |
Mr Tom J Johnson | 1978 - 2003 |
Mr Bev Cooper | 2003 - 2006 |
Honorary Treasurer
The post was introduced in 1923. The post had an automatic election to the CSMA Board since the Board was introduced in 1980. The post was ceased in 2010 by which time most of the Association’s financial work was being undertaken by an employed Finance Director.
Mr F A (Freddy) Hainsworth | 1923 - 1925 |
Mr E L Ashton | 1925 - 1929 |
Mr George H Clark | 1930 - 1931 |
Mr Tom H Pritchard | 1932 - 1948 |
Mr F S (Freddy) Hunsworth | 1948 - 1971 |
Mr S Jim Bate | 1971 - 1972 |
Mr E (Ted) Parrack | 1973 - 1977 |
Mr Mitch E Pratt | 1977 - 1981 |
Mr David Sampson | 1984 - 2010 |
Club Captain
This post was temporarily introduced in April 1924 to give assistance with the organisation of Trials. The post was ratified at the 1924 AGM and only ceased at the close of the November 2021 AGM.
Mr Victor T Brennan | 1924 - 1925 |
Mr F D (Freddy) Forster | 1926 - 1926 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1927 - 1927 |
Mr F W (Freddy) Fowkes | 1928 - 1928 |
Mr George H Clark | 1929 - 1929 |
Mr Reg Gornall | 1930 - 1930 |
Mr George W Pamplin | 1930 - 1930 |
Mr A J (Guy) Belsey | 1931 - 1931 |
Mr G B Read | 1938 - 1939 |
Mr G B Read | 1932 - 1932 |
Mr J Bizley | 1933 - 1933 |
Mr D A Thorn | 1934 - 1934 |
Mr T Norman Blockley | 1935 - 1935 |
Mr Charles P Minett | 1936 - 1936 |
Mr T Norman Blockley | 1937 - 1937 |
Mr W H Maddison | 1938 - 1939 |
Mr T G Jones | 1939 - 1939 |
Mr T Noramn Blockley | 1939 - 1939 |
Mr W G Jarman | 1940 - 1948 |
Mr D J H (John) Day | 1949 - 1950 |
Mr F H Stephens | 1951 - 1951 |
Mr John S Richmond | 1952 - 1952 |
Mr John Price | 1953 - 1954 |
Mr Ken E Wheeler | 1955 - 1956 |
Mr Cyril W Dart | 1957 - 1965 |
Mr Stan J O Tinn | 1966 - 1968 |
Mr David Berrecloth | 1968 - 1969 |
Mr N F (Nev) Cook | 1969 - 1972 |
Mr Peter J Bradford | 1973 - 1981 |
Mr John F Herington | 1981 - 1988 |
Mr Robert (Bob) Hill | 1988 - 2003 |
Mr Allan G Goddard | 2003 - 2021 |
Vice Captain
This post was introduced temporarily in April 1924 to help relieve some of the organising pressures on the Officers. It remained in being until 1939 AGM when following the outbreak of the second World War, all trials were suspended.
Mr F D (Freddy) Forster | 1925 - 1925 |
Mr Leonard C Labram | 1927 - 1927 |
Mr F W (Freddy) Fowkes | 1927 - 1927 |
Mr George H Clark | 1928 - 1928 |
Mr George W Pamplin | 1929 - 1929 |
Mr R Gornall | 1930 - 1930 |
Mr A J G (Guy) Belsey | 1930 - 1930 |
Mr G B Read | 1931 - 1931 |
Mr D A Thorn | 1932 - 1932 |
Mr J Bizely | 1932 - 1932 |
Mr D A Thorn | 1933 - 1933 |
Mr J E Z Bryden | 1934 - 1934 |
Mr T N Blockley | 1934 - 1934 |
Mr C P Minett | 1935 - 1935 |
Mr T N Blockley | 1936 - 1936 |
Mr W H Maddison | 1937 - 1937 |
Mr D J H Day | 1938 - 1938 |
Mr T G Jones | 1938 - 1938 |
Mr T Norman Blockley | 1939 - 1939 |
Mr R Gornall | 1939 - 1939 |
Sports Members
The Motoring Committee aims to encourage participation in motor sport within CSMA at all levels. As a token of its appreciation of individual effort, the Committee is pleased to award Sports Membership to those who have contributed exceptionally in this field.
The honour is not awarded lightly; for example and individual may be expected to have contributed to group events over a number of years before receiving the award.
Sports Membership may only be awarded by the Motoring Committee. This is usually on the recommendation of a Region or Group Secretary or a Motoring Co-coordinator. On rare occasions, however, the Committee may bestow Sports Membership on an individual without local recommendation, especially where the individual’s efforts have been recognised on a National basis.
A distinctive badge, based on the association badge, is given Sports Member to display proudly on the windscreen of the vehicle, together with an individually unnumbered metal grill badge.
Note: The outer ring of the badge was coloured green (as per the English racing Green). The Gold Star in the centre was based on the Gold Star award made by the ACU for the best trials driver of the year and the inner plaque design was in the Association’s colours of red, white and blue.
Unfortunately over the years some records of Sports Member awards have been lost together with the relevant badge Numbers. The list that follows is based on our current knowledge and includes the first 77 that were issued and whose award was announced in tow of the 1957 Gazettes but there are still several gaps.

Mr J C Beaumont | Unknown |
Mr A H G (Guy) Belsey | Unknown |
Mr R E Birnie | Unknown |
Mr T Norman Blockley | Unknown |
Mr B A Blythe | Unknown |
Mr J Brighton | Unknown |
Mr C E Brown | Unknown |
Mr J Butler | Unknown |
Mr C W M Chant | Unknown |
Mr P Chittendon | Unknown |
Mr R O G Clark | Unknown |
Mr D Clarke | Unknown |
Mr E P Clarke | Unknown |
Mr A S Cook | Unknown |
Mr W H Cosslett | Unknown |
Mr D A Cox | Unknown |
Mr Cyril W Dart | Unknown |
Mr K J Dover | Unknown |
Mr Ken Dudley | Unknown |
Mr F J Emery | Unknown |
Mr E J Felstead | Unknown |
Mr Ron F Ferris | Unknown |
Mr Dave Finch | Unknown |
Mrs M E Fisher | Unknown |
Mr B Flatley | Unknown |
Mr Derek J Garrard | Unknown |
Mr Jack C Ghost MVO | Unknown |
Mr P J Griffin | Unknown |
Mr A S Gully | Unknown |
Mr N F J Gully | Unknown |
Mr G Hale | Unknown |
Mr C T Harding | Unknown |
Mr R Gornall | Unknown |
Mr R Gornall | Unknown |
Mr C T Harding | Unknown |
Mr J B Holt | Unknown |
Mr Walter T Horne | Unknown |
Mr E A (Ted) Jenner | Unknown |
Mr R W Jones | Unknown |
Mr Bernard Kauffmann | Unknown |
Mr D R Killip | Unknown |
Mr C R Y King | Unknown |
Miss Rosemary Lapage | Unknown |
Mr W Norman Last | Unknown |
Mr J R B Latimer | Unknown |
Mr A Lofthouse | Unknown |
Mr C T Madders | Unknown |
Mr H Mays | Unknown |
Dr John (Jack) McCelland | Unknown |
Mr C N Mcleod | Unknown |
Mr E E McRae | Unknown |
Mr W (Bill) Morris | Unknown |
Mr Brian A Nash | Unknown |
Mr K Patrick | Unknown |
Mr R Pay | Unknown |
Mr L C Philip | Unknown |
Mr R H Phipps | Unknown |
Mr J V H Pickett | Unknown |
Mr E J (Jimmy) Pike | Unknown |
Mr John Price | Unknown |
Mr A Pulman | Unknown |
Mr Alan S Purvis | Unknown |
Mr P Ramsden | Unknown |
Mr L S Rayfield | Unknown |
Mr J S Richmond | Unknown |
Mr S P Ridgway | Unknown |
Miss E M Rivers | Unknown |
Mr E J Rose | Unknown |
Mr R H Rowell | Unknown |
Mr E T S (Teddy) Salmon | Unknown |
Mr Eric Scattergood | Unknown |
Mr W A Scott | Unknown |
Mr B O Silverton | Unknown |
Mr D R Smith | Unknown |
Mr W H (Bill) Spackman | Unknown |
Mr T B Spurway | Unknown |
Mr Maurice V Stelling | Unknown |
Mr F H Stephens | Unknown |
Mr H E Stone | Unknown |
Mr A B Thornton | Unknown |
Sir Frank Tribe | Unknown |
Mr L R Wagner | Unknown |
Mr F M Walker | Unknown |
Mr W R Watkins | Unknown |
Mr K E Wheeler | Unknown |
Mr C A Wilson | Unknown |
Mr D J H (John) Day | 21 |
Mr V F Andrews | 59 |
Mr Peter Donovan | 143 |
Mr E E Elphee | 230 |
Mr B H Body | 239 |
Mr B D B Street | 240 |
Mr B J Ford | 241 |
Mr J Cavil | 242 |
Mr K C Moore | 243 |
Mr G W Weynberg | 244 |
Mr R G Jones | 245 |
Mr Brian J Prior | 246 |
Mr Eric J Goode | 247 |
Mr Cec Parrot | 248 |
Mr F Panter | 249 |
Mr Harold R Polden | 250 |
Mr D A Ledwith | 251 |
Mr D H Day | 252 |
Mr Ken Dubois | 253 |
Mr J Murdoch | 254 |
Mr J Stallwood | 255 |
Mr J Morgan | 256 |
Mr K F Douglas | 257 |
Mr Brian S Bonny | 258 |
Mr P Crotty | 259 |
Mr G D Crane | 260 |
Mr Stan J O Tinn | 262 |
Mr F Horne | 264 |
Mr W H (Bill) King | 265 |
Mr E C Brown | 266 |
Mr Cliff P Mockridge | 267 |
Mr Keith Foster | 268 |
Mr M K Toseland | 269 |
Mr D S Capps | 270 |
Mr C F Nordmann | 271 |
Mr C A Rose | 272 |
Mr Len W Baldwin | 273 |
Mr John E Eaton | 274 |
Mr J V H Pikett | 275 |
Mr R Clark | 276 |
Mr R H Glover | 277 |
Mr C Nichols | 278 |
Mr D M Bradbury | 279 |
Mr A H Moody | 280 |
Mr Brian Storey | 281 |
Mr Derrick A Hall ISO | 282 |
Mr M Morrish | 283 |
Mr P Monsell | 284 |
Mr B Brooks | 285 |
Mr M Ward | 286 |
Mr E Murrell | 287 |
Mr W E Digby | 288 |
Mr J J Brownall | 289 |
Mr E Y (Eddie) Pattenden | 290 |
Mr W A T Jenner | 292 |
Mr A Rowbottom | 293 |
Mr M F Newell | 294 |
Mr J E Norris | 295 |
Mr Mitch E Pratt | 296 |
Mr D M Parsons | 297 |
Mr D E Clark | 298 |
Mr D G Broadstreet | 299 |
Mr Don P Keen | 300 |
Mr P Attwood | 301 |
Mr J Whalebone | 302 |
Mr B J Wooley | 303 |
Mr Oliver (Olly) Smith | 304 |
Mr R P Purkiss | 305 |
MR G G W Richards | 306 |
Mr A (Tony) Blackburn | 308 |
Mr D A Suskins | 309 |
Mr Robert (Bob) Hill | 310 |
Mr Charlie E Turner | 311 |
Mr B R Sacree | 312 |
Mr J E Cross | 313 |
Mr F J Perrin | 314 |
Mr Brian A Nash | 315 |
Mr P H Canham | 316 |
Mr D Alibone | 317 |
Mr G Sheridan | 318 |
Mr E C Ball | 319 |
Mr R Harris | 320 |
Mr L J Goulding | 321 |
Mr M Brown | 322 |
Mr M P Fitzgerald | 323 |
Mr Peter J Knott | 324 |
Mr D L Smallindge | 325 |
Mr J P R Jeary | 326 |
Mr H Lane | 327 |
Mr Stan C Molyneux | 328 |
Mr W (Bill) Tuck | 329 |
Mr H M Graham | 330 |
Mr R J Headland | 331 |
Mr George Alcorn | 332 |
Mr H G Smith | 333 |
Mr Walter (Wally) Hayes | 334 |
Mr Derek G Burman | 335 |
Miss Syson | 336 |
Mr Searle B Seimsson | 337 |
Mr R N Sheet | 338 |
Mr J R Cornell | 339 |
Mr L J Goulding | 339 |
Mr C A Wiggin | 340 |
Mr Alex F Drake | 341 |
Mr E S Lewis | 342 |
Mr Roy G H Foster | 343 |
Mr Dave G J Till | 344 |
Mr Vernon G Rye | 345 |
Mr Stan Hardacre | 346 |
Mr A R (Tony) Davies | 347 |
Mr G B Eteson | 348 |
Mr Harry Aspinall | 349 |
Mr P W Evans | 350 |
Mr R H Clowter | 351 |
Mr H Moffatt | 352 |
Mr Stan J Davis | 353 |
Mr R Clarke | 354 |
Mr S M White | 355 |
Mr W (Bill) Foulkes | 356 |
Mr Reg F J Atkins | 357 |
Mr J Evans | 358 |
Mr Victor T Cass | 359 |
Mr Ron A Fail | 360 |
Mr Dave Ray | 361 |
Mr H L Emden | 362 |
Mr Brian E A Maddox | 363 |
Miss Barbara E Sabey ISO | 364 |
Mr P Vyiard | 365 |
Mr G Hayles | 366 |
Mr P D Robinson | 367 |
Mr D Lumley | 368 |
Mr K A Short | 369 |
Mr R E Jones | 370 |
Mr Geoff Harrup | 371 |
Mr G E Winter | 372 |
Mr Jimmy Ballantyne | 373 |
Mr Chris J Watts | 374 |
Mr L G Longfield | 375 |
Mr E Handy | 376 |
Mr J H Spray | 377 |
Mr Don S Froude | 378 |
Mr P E Carter | 379 |
Mr N Barron | 380 |
Mr E (Ted) Manktelow | 381 |
Mr B T Howell | 382 |
Mr Laurence W Castledine | 383 |
Mr O P Rattenbury | 384 |
Mr C D Wood | 385 |
Mr J H Cordingley | 386 |
Mr J Goulder | 387 |
Mr Terry J McNally | 388 |
Mr N Craig | 389 |
Mr Fred Lock | 390 |
Mr Keith J Eaton | 391 |
Mr J Simpson | 392 |
Mr John B Campion | 393 |
Mr N F Cook | 394 |
Mr K Dover | 395 |
Mr Paul Dunkley | 396 |
Mr J Garbutt | 397 |
Mr Tom G Hancock | 398 |
Mr Chris Sully | 399 |
Mr Alan G Stoddard | 400 |
Mr John R Ellis | 401 |
Mr J Bowman | 402 |
Mr A Matlock | 403 |
Mr K Sorct | 404 |
Mr L C Baldwyn | 405 |
Mr Peter N Repton | 406 |
Mr M Repton | 407 |
Mr M R Keeble | 408 |
Mr Norman Higginson | 410 |
Mr E N Bentley | 411 |
Mr Paul M Clothier | 412 |
Mr R W Taylor | 413 |
Mr G R Ward | 414 |
Mr Colin E Francis | 415 |
Mr Frank J Hulse | 416 |
Mr Peter Callow | 417 |
Mr C T Skinner | 418 |
Mr J Crowshaw | 419 |
Mr Brian J Tarrant | 420 |
Mr Bryan J Kingsland | 421 |
Mr Chris Park | 422 |
Mr Ken Beech | 423 |
Mr K Noakes | 424 |
Mr W (Wilf) Doward | 425 |
Mr Robert Girvan Jnr | 426 |
Mr Tony R Richardson | 426 |
Mr J Les Birkett | 427 |
Mr R Smith | 428 |
Mr D J R Trow | 429 |
Mr Chris D McDonald | 430 |
Mr B Godferry | 431 |
Mr H Godfrey | 432 |
Mr R Abbott | 434 |
Mr Terry Wordingham | 435 |
Mr F A Jubb | 436 |
Mr Malcom R Carey | 437 |
Mr David Berrecloth | 438 |
Mr Cliff Blunt | 439 |
Mr Alan Turner | 439 |
Mr R G Matthews | 440 |
Mr Paul Brown | 441 |
Mr J Godwin | 443 |
Mr V A Weatherly | 444 |
Mr A S Shaw | 447 |
Mr J L’Anson | 448 |
Mr D Tompsett | 448 |
Mr Keith Lay | 451 |
Mr Jeff Kenyon | 452 |
Mr Peter Hacon | 453 |
Mrs Margaret A Hacon | 454 |
Mr R J Talbot | 455 |
Mr P Smith | 456 |
Mr S W H (Stan) Ockmore | 457 |
Mr A Rumney | 458 |
Mr K G Webster | 459 |
Mr M (Mick) O’Blath | 460 |
Mr S Thompson | 461 |
Mr P Goddard | 463 |
Mr R Moss | 464 |
Mr John Oldacre | 465 |
Mr Alan Grant | 466 |
Mr G D Rushton | 467 |
Mr David J Ballard | 468 |
Mr R L Classton | 469 |
Mr Derek J Rhodes | 470 |
Mrs Mary Rhodes | 471 |
Mr Chris C Mockridge | 472 |
Mr E John Brundle | 473 |
Mr Norman Lines | 474 |
Mr Jack C Barnard | 475 |
Mrs E McCelland | 476 |
Mr Norman Barron | 477 |
Mr Ernst Golding | 478 |
Mr I Walker | 479 |
Mr Roy Baldwin | 480 |
Mr J B Godwin | 481 |
Mr F Seaman | 482 |
Mr M Whittle | 483 |
Mr Alan Hughes | 484 |
Mr Roger Davis | 485 |
Mr R Holdstock | 487 |
Mr C Marsden | 488 |
Mr Jim Greenaway | 489 |
Mr D J L Barker | 490 |
Mr Tony Baldwin | 491 |
Mr F C (Freddy) Perks | 492 |
Mr E Newton | 493 |
Mr John Penniston | 494 |
Mrs J Eaton | 495 |
Mr M Long | 496 |
Mr M Beck | 497 |
Mr E J Capell | 498 |
Mr S L J (Steve) Cook | 499 |
Mr Alan Thurbon | 505 |
Mr G E Howell | 506 |
Mr Peter J Bradford | 507 |
Mr Kathy Campion | 508 |
Mr Graham Alexander | 509 |
Mr Keith Latham | 510 |
Mr K Kerry | 511 |
Mr K Pilborough | 512 |
Mr M E Baynard | 513 |
Mr R J Mercer | 514 |
Mrs Nora Tuck | 515 |
Mr T Baul | 516 |
Mr G W O Dearing | 517 |
Mr W H Cross | 518 |
Mr D Andrews | 519 |
Mr DEN Staton | 520 |
Mr Peter W Munt | 521 |
Mr Derek J Garrad | 522 |
Mr M Proctor | 523 |
Mr Ken Upham | 524 |
Mr Maurice Oram | 525 |
Mr D A Germaney | 527 |
Mr B Coleman | 528 |
Mrs J Ellis | 529 |
Mr John Monks | 530 |
Mr Brian Savage | 531 |
Mrs Audrey Latham | 532 |
Mr A C Goody | 533 |
Mr Peter E Denny | 534 |
Mr P Rhodes | 535 |
Mr M Street | 536 |
Mr E Collins | 537 |
Mr C Denham | 538 |
Mr A Short | 539 |
Mr Vernon Quaintance | 540 |
Mr Brian J Atkinson | 541 |
Mr A Kerry | 542 |
Mr Alan Bannister | 543 |
Mr J Eteson | 544 |
Mr V Patrick | 545 |
Mr D Baker | 546 |
Mr Andy Endersbee | 547 |
Miss D Hughes | 548 |
Mr Dennis Latham | 549 |
Mr R Allen | 550 |
Mr J Hall | 551 |
Mr R Smith | 552 |
Mr R Harris | 553 |
Mr N (Nic) Ashford | 554 |
Mrs Sue Ashford | 555 |
Mr John Grimson | 556 |
Mr D Rogers | 557 |
Mr B C Petty | 558 |
Mr Keith V Endersbee | 559 |
Mr John Whittle | 560 |
Mr E W Blake | 561 |
Mr A Schofield | 562 |
Mr Paul Claydon | 563 |
Mr C R Williams | 564 |
Mrs Margaret A Froude | 565 |
Mr Les Kell | 566 |
Mr John Hadley | 567 |
Mr Brian Greenwood | 568 |
Mr L Mercer | 569 |
M A Brown | 570 |
Mr Peter R J Brown | 571 |
Mr Rod Peto | 572 |
Mr Les Elgram | 573 |
Mr R Morris | 574 |
Mr R M Shingler | 575 |
Mr J Lloyd Bell | 576 |
Mr John Pain | 577 |
Mr Geoff Fairbairn | 578 |
Mr Norman Carter | 579 |
Mr Geoff Murcott | 580 |
Mrs Carole Murcott | 581 |
Mr G Stanley | 582 |
Mr J Dixon | 583 |
Mr D Thompson | 584 |
Mr M Manning | 586 |
Mr R Hanson | 587 |
Mr B Pearson | 588 |
Mr C Oliver | 589 |
Mr L W Thorn | 590 |
Mr Derek J Askew | 591 |
Mrs Eileen Askew | 592 |
Mr J Bygrave | 593 |
Mr A Wilson | 594 |
Mr J Willis | 595 |
Mr J D Coleman | 596 |
Mr A Mitchell | 597 |
Mr Dave Slaney | 598 |
Mr Nigel Jennings | 599 |
Mr N Cooke | 600 |
Mr M Crane | 601 |
Mr John S Roberts | 602 |
Mrs Yvonne Chegwyn | 603 |
Mr Martin Quaintance | 604 |
Mrs Yvonne Quaintance | 605 |
Mr A (Tony) Biss | 606 |
Mr Richard Newson | 607 |
Mr Keith Freak | 608 |
Mr M Ryan | 609 |
Mr M Summer | 610 |
Mr Cyril Slip | 611 |
Mr M Hurd | 612 |
Mr C Spooner | 613 |
Mr C Brooks | 614 |
Mr Paul Cain | 615 |
Mr W Mason | 616 |
Mr S Golding | 617 |
Mr Chris Pratt | 618 |
Mr Kevin Tricker | 619 |
Mr A Smith | 621 |
Mr Robert (Bob) Hill | 622 |
MR John F Herington | 623 |
Mr Norman Hughes | 624 |
Mr Don Gordon | 625 |
Mr D Webb | 627 |
Mr Stan Webb | 628 |
Mr G Wooldridge | 629 |
Mr Roberto Marchesi | 631 |
Mr P Tyler | 632 |
Mr B Jim Cranmer | 633 |
Mr M Dover | 634 |
Mr Skinner | 635 |
Mr G Fox | 636 |
Mr Ian Haigh | 637 |
Mr R Jones | 638 |
Mr Peter Skinner | 639 |
Mr W Hamsworth | 640 |
Mr J Hill | 641 |
Mr Bob Head | 642 |
Mr John B Chubb | 643 |
Mr Norman Hedges | 644 |
Mr Mike Biss | 645 |
Mr Robert Daines | 646 |
Mr W Daines | 647 |
Mrs Kathy Endersbee | 648 |
Mr W Hughes | 649 |
Mr E (Ernie) Kenyon | 650 |
Mr M (Mick) O’Blath | 651 |
Mr D Rothwell | 652 |
Mr G Shelley | 653 |
Mr J Shelley | 654 |
Mr S Steed | 655 |
Mr R Turner | 656 |
Mr P Hall | 658 |
Mr M (Mike) Gray | 659 |
Mr E Sampson | 660 |
Mr R G Waller | 661 |
Mr R P (Phil) Briercliffe | 662 |
Mr Cec Parrott | 663 |
Mr John Parsons | 664 |
Mr M Usher | 665 |
Mr A R Veale | 666 |
Mr A Bliss | 667 |
Mrs A Wilkinson | 668 |
Mr P Everett | 669 |
Mr Alan Cartwright | 671 |
Mr P Collier | 672 |
Mr David Farris | 673 |
Mr Dave Hill | 674 |
Mr Ray Sylge | 675 |
Mr S (Steve) Sylge | 676 |
Mr D Hinds | 677 |
Mr B Yates | 678 |
Mr Graham S Whitaker | 679 |
Mr Jim D Wilkinson | 680 |
Mrs J Everett | 681 |
Mr Dave Rosher | 682 |
Mr Ron Barnett | 683 |
Mr Alan Reincke | 684 |
Mr Robert (Bob) Slicer | 685 |
Mr Don Gordon | 686 |
Miss Lynne Craker | 687 |
Mr C (Charlie) Turner | 688 |
Mr D (Dave) Wiles | 689 |
Mr R Anderson | 690 |
Mr J Hiles | 691 |
Mr J Hiles | 692 |
Mr C Jones | 694 |
Mr P Drake | 695 |
Mr Bernard Ward | 696 |
Mr D Oram | 697 |
Mr J Cockerton | 698 |
Mr Chris Devenish | 700 |
Mr Craig Thorley | 701 |
Mr R Campbell | 702 |
Mr P O’Bath | 703 |
Mr D Harris | 704 |
Mr J Christian | 705 |
Mr Alan G Goddard | 706 |
Mr Peter Mimms | 707 |
Mr Simon C Lowe | 708 |
Mr A (Tony) Warran | 709 |
Mr Henry Hedges | 710 |
Mr Alan Keane | 711 |
Mr C Galvin | 712 |
Mr R Galvin | 713 |
Mr Peter Gregory | 714 |
Mrs R Hurst | 715 |
Mr Graham Presswell | 716 |
Mr Phil Spurge | 717 |
Mr G Lloyd | 719 |
Mr R Vincent | 720 |
Mr Chris Brown | 721 |
Mr Ray Kressinger | 722 |
Mr J Turner | 724 |
Mr L Dane | 726 |
Mr M Taylor | 727 |
Mr P (Phil) Cork | 728 |
Mr Brian Farminer | 729 |
Mr Graham N McLean | 730 |
Mr G Duncan | 731 |
Mr M Bugg | 732 |
Mr Stan Chinn | 733 |
Mr Barry Hope | 734 |
Mr Terry Kirby | 735 |
Mr M Townend | 736 |
Mr John Zoller | 737 |
Mr Bev Cooper | 739 |
Mr Ian Jarrett | 740 |
Mr T Reynolds | 741 |
Mr G Cookson | 742 |
Mr P Lawlor | 743 |
Mr Richard Garbett | 744 |
Mr A Thornley | 745 |
Mr T Watkin | 746 |
Mr M Evans | 747 |
Mr G Furber | 748 |
Mr J G Undy | 749 |
Mr K Howes | 753 |
Mr J Denton | 754 |
Mr Graham Davis | 755 |
Mr R Derek Bateman | 756 |
Mr L P (Peter) Jones | 757 |
Mr A Reed | 758 |
Mr P Baker | 759 |
Mr Mike Harrison | 760 |
Mr Doug Harrison | 761 |
Mr M Bean | 762 |
Mr Ian Buxton | 763 |
Miss Cath Woodman | 764 |
Mr C Derbyshire | 766 |
Mr D Maxwell | 767 |
Mr Dave Pegg | 768 |
Mr A Tearle | 769 |
Miss Stephanie Hankinson | 771 |
Mr N Bray | 772 |
Mr H Bryant | 773 |
Mr S Jones | 774 |
Mr Ian Perry | 775 |
Mr A Wakeman | 776 |
Mr Tim Harman | 777 |
Mr B Boaden | 778 |
Mr N Arden | 779 |
Mr D Batchman | 780 |
Mr Cyril W Dart | 781 |
Mr Stephen (Chalky) White | 782 |
Mr John Brooks | 783 |
Mr A Rowe | 784 |
Mr J Ward | 786 |
Mr R H (Rob) Sloane MBE | 787 |
Mr C Gunnell | 789 |
Mr D Dana | 790 |
Mr H Davies | 792 |
Mr A Preston | 793 |
Mr Alan Patten | 795 |
Mt Ian Moir | 796 |
Mrs Gillian Moir | 797 |
Mr D Quinton | 799 |
Mr D Smith | 800 |
Mr T Hill | 801 |
Mr Keith Davidson | 802 |
Mr Adrian (Andy) Heckford | 803 |
Mr Ian Lawrence | 804 |
Mr Steve Johnson | 805 |
Mr J Rampton | 806 |
Mr D Ramsdall | 807 |
Mr Martin (Ted) Saunders | 808 |
Mr Malcolm Grubb | 811 |
Mr Craig Talbot | 812 |
Mr Geoffery Herbert | 813 |
Mr Neil Bowker | 814 |
Mr Billy Craig | 815 |
Mr Tony Moulder | 816 |
Mr Drew Godspeed | 817 |
Mr Sean McGreevy | 819 |