I have never been Karting before, can I take part?
AYes! Our events are open to those of all abilities, regardless of previous experience.
Do I need my own gear (helmet, overalls, gloves, etc)?
AAll health & safety gear is provided free of charge at the events. You are also welcome to use your own if you wish.
What is the minimum/maximum age?
AThe minimum age varies by track, please see the event information for details. Anyone above 18 can take part in all events and there is no maximum age.
Do I need my own kart?
ANo, all our events are arrive & drive which means you just need to turn up and drive, make sure you wear enclosed flat shoes such as trainers.
What karts do you use/how fast are they?
AThis varies by track, please have a look at the event information for more details.
How much does it cost?
AWe have a range of different events and formats, prices range from around £30 to £100 per event.
For Championships, do I have to take part in every round?
ANo, you can take part in as many or as few as you wish. You can even start mid season!
Do I need a driving licence/racing licence?
ANo, all our events take place on private kart tracks and are not MSA homologous.
Can I use a body camera, such as a GoPro?
AThis varies by track, please contact the individual track for confirmation on what they allow.
Can I bring a friend, family member or colleague who is not a member of Boundless?
AYes! We welcome friends, family members and colleagues of Boundless members, however, there will be a slightly higher fee for Guests (please see the event details for prices). Guests will also not have their points for the event counted towards winning any Championships (although they may still win trophies on the day).
How do I sign up for an event?
ASimply complete the entry form (found under the Forms section) and send it over to Karting@boundlesscommunity.co.uk
I have more questions, who can I ask for help?
APlease send any further questions via email to Karting@boundlesscommunity.co.uk or post them in our Facebook Group.