July/August 2019 Boundless Digital Magazine
In the name of thanks...
Where would we be without gratitude? My personal feeling is that we would feel undervalued. Whether it’s a swift but nonetheless sincere thank you to a fleeting acquaintance or a larger gesture of heartfelt thanks to someone you truly admire, the resulting feelings of value and appreciation can do wonders for the soul – regardless of whether you’re giving or receiving the thanks.
This is why Boundless has decided that there’s no time like the present to boost awareness of Public Service Day – and in particular, to thank the UK’s five million-plus public sector workers and civil servants. As Boundless members, we can assume we share some common interests and pursuits, but it’s our professional lives – both past and present – that unite us. This awareness day, which falls on 23 June but has received little attention in the UK in recent years, is to celebrate just that. So enjoy this day of ours – we’ve earned it.
Also here for your enjoyment is the July/August issue of Boundless magazine, our vintage summer issue. Within these pages you’ll see a celebration of all things yesteryear, including the twists and turns of an infamous drive in Sicily, the Targa Florio racing circuit; an exploration of vintage flea markets in France and seven of the best steam-train journeys, where you can relive the heyday of British travel. We also champion some classic literature, as nominated by the Boundless Reading Room Group, and show you the best way to spend 48 hours on the Isle of Wight.
And, as ever, the magazine is not just packed with ideas and inspirations – but also with news of offers, discounts and opportunities available exclusively to Boundless members.
Heather Glanville, Association Chair
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