Hope springs eternal
There’s something enormously satisfying about a good plan. Looking to the future, imagining how things could be, plotting my time and activities accordingly and, of course, the building excitement as an event draws near. Perhaps, though, that is not to be the case this year. One of the many things COVID-19 has taken from us is the ability to cast our gaze into the near future and dream. Well, not today. I for one refuse to start 2021 feeling defeated. Instead, with a good dose of hope and optimism, I choose to plan my year – and I invite you to join me.
This issue of boundless magazine, our travel special, is ready to help. Not that we’re suggesting anyone flout government guidelines and head off on a world tour – on the contrary, the issue is stuffed to the gunnels with things to see and do in our beautiful Britain (as and when restrictions permit), with a sprinkling of international travel to whet your appetite. From discovering UK alternatives to international icons and Ben Fogle’s nine best books for a spot of armchair travel, to a safari in England’s South West and an introduction to motorhomes, there’s plenty of food for thought packed into these pages. There’s even a whistle-stop guide to New Zealand and an introduction to the new EU driving regulations for those of you who wish to cast your planning net a little wider.
I do hope you enjoy the escapism within the issue and that it will tide you over until you can venture away for real. And until then, stay safe, stay strong and stay positive. This too shall pass.
Login and enjoy the read!