Sheffield Group
About the rally
Friday 9 May - Monday 12 May 2025
- Shopping outlet
- Flower parade
- Walks along the River Welland
Come along and join the Sheffield Group for this rally at the Welland Yacht Club
Site is based on the bank of the river Welland, has full facilities including toilets and showers. Bar facilities and socials each evening.
Walking distance into Spalding town centre, close to Baytree Gardens in Springfields. Spalding Flower Festival is on the Saturday, proposed to be larger than last year, and the floats and market stall can be viewed on Sunday morning.
All welcome.
Rally Fee (per unit per night) £10.00
Site fee (per unit, one-off) £5.00
Booking opens on the 6 January 2025.
To book send the booking form directly to the Rally Marshall. The booking form can be found at the bottom this page.
Welland Yacht Club, 13 River Bank, Spalding, PE11 3AA